--- # Rather than breaking up descriptions into multiline strings we disable that # specific rule in yamllint for this file. # yamllint disable rule:line-length - color: "eb6420" description: This issue or pull request is awaiting the outcome of another issue or pull request name: blocked - color: "000000" description: This issue or pull request involves changes to existing functionality name: breaking change - color: "d73a4a" description: This issue or pull request addresses broken functionality name: bug - color: "07648d" description: This issue will be advertised on code.gov's Open Tasks page (https://code.gov/open-tasks) name: code.gov - color: "0366d6" description: Pull requests that update a dependency file name: dependencies - color: "5319e7" description: This issue or pull request improves or adds to documentation name: documentation - color: "cfd3d7" description: This issue or pull request already exists or is covered in another issue or pull request name: duplicate - color: "b005bc" description: A high-level objective issue encompassing multiple issues instead of a specific unit of work name: epic - color: "000000" description: Pull requests that update GitHub Actions code name: github-actions - color: "0e8a16" description: This issue or pull request is well-defined and good for newcomers name: good first issue - color: "ff7518" description: Pull request that should count toward Hacktoberfest participation name: hacktoberfest-accepted - color: "a2eeef" description: This issue or pull request will add or improve functionality, maintainability, or ease of use name: improvement - color: "fef2c0" description: This issue or pull request is not applicable, incorrect, or obsolete name: invalid - color: "ce099a" description: This pull request is ready to merge during the next Lineage Kraken release name: kraken 🐙 - color: "a4fc5d" description: This issue or pull request requires further information name: need info - color: "fcdb45" description: This pull request is awaiting an action or decision to move forward name: on hold - color: "ef476c" description: This issue is a request for information or needs discussion name: question - color: "00008b" description: This issue or pull request adds or otherwise modifies test code name: test - color: "1d76db" description: This issue or pull request pulls in upstream updates name: upstream update - color: "d4c5f9" description: This issue or pull request increments the version number name: version bump - color: "ffffff" description: This issue will not be incorporated name: wontfix