Fork 0
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

116 lines
3.6 KiB

package org.r3pek.pharmacies;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;
public class XMLParserHandler extends DefaultHandler {
private boolean inName = false;
private boolean inAddress = false;
private boolean inZipCode = false;
private boolean inMunicipality = false;
private boolean inLatitude = false;
private boolean inLongitude = false;
private boolean inPhone = false;
private boolean inDistance = false;
private boolean inIsAtService = false;
private boolean inParish = false;
private boolean inLastUpdate = false;
private boolean error = false;
private boolean inErrorMessage;
private String errorMessage;
private Pharmacy currentPharmacy;
private ArrayList<Pharmacy> result;
public XMLParserHandler() {
result = new ArrayList<Pharmacy>();
private void checkTag(String tag, boolean newValue) {
if ((tag.equals("GetPharmaciesByCoordinatesResponse") || tag.equals("GetPharmaciesAtServiceByCoordinatesResponse")) && newValue) {
if (error) error = false;
} else if (tag.equals("Pharmacy")) {
if (newValue)
currentPharmacy = new Pharmacy();
} else if (tag.equals("Name"))
inName = newValue;
else if (tag.equals("Street"))
inAddress = newValue;
else if (tag.equals("ZipCode"))
inZipCode = newValue;
else if (tag.equals("Municipality"))
inMunicipality = newValue;
else if (tag.equals("Latitude"))
inLatitude = newValue;
else if (tag.equals("Longitude"))
inLongitude = newValue;
else if (tag.equals("Phone"))
inPhone = newValue;
else if (tag.equals("Distance"))
inDistance = newValue;
else if (tag.equals("IsAtService"))
inIsAtService = newValue;
else if (tag.equals("Parish"))
inParish = newValue;
else if (tag.equals("LastUpdate"))
inLastUpdate = newValue;
else if (tag.equals("Fault"))
error = true;
else if (tag.equals("FaultString"))
inErrorMessage = newValue;
public void startElement(String uri, String name, String qName, Attributes atts) {
checkTag(name.trim(), true);
public void endElement(String uri, String name, String qName) {
checkTag(name.trim(), false);
public void characters(char ch[], int start, int length) {
String chars = (new String(ch).substring(start, start + length));
if (inName)
currentPharmacy.setName(currentPharmacy.getName() + chars);
else if (inAddress)
currentPharmacy.setAddress(currentPharmacy.getAddress() + chars);
else if (inZipCode)
currentPharmacy.setAddress(currentPharmacy.getAddress() + "\n" + chars);
else if (inMunicipality)
currentPharmacy.setAddress(currentPharmacy.getAddress() + " " + chars);
else if (inLatitude)
currentPharmacy.setLatitude(currentPharmacy.getLatitude() + chars);
else if (inLongitude)
currentPharmacy.setLongitude(currentPharmacy.getLongitude() + chars);
else if (inPhone)
currentPharmacy.setPhoneNumber(currentPharmacy.getPhoneNumber() + chars);
else if (inDistance)
currentPharmacy.setDistance(currentPharmacy.getDistance() + chars);
else if (inIsAtService)
else if (inParish)
currentPharmacy.setParish(currentPharmacy.getParish() + chars);
else if (inLastUpdate)
currentPharmacy.setLastUpdate(currentPharmacy.getLastupdate() + chars);
else if (inErrorMessage)
errorMessage += chars;
public ArrayList<Pharmacy> getPharmacies() {
if (error) return null;
return result;
public String getErrorMessage() {
return errorMessage;